Process Chemicals
Enzymes For Starch & Dextran Reducer
- Promyl-L
- Prodex-L
Process Chemicals
- Phosozine
- Colour Precipitant
- Antiscalant
- Viscosity Reducer
Mill Sanitation: *QAC and *DTC
Promyl –L (Starch Reducer )
Promyl-L is a starch-hydrolyzing thermostable alpha-amylase derived from a mutated strain of Bacillus licheniformis. It is an endo – amylase that randomly hydrolyzes alpha-1,4 – glucosidic bonds to reduce the viscosity of gelatinized starch, producing soluble dextrin’s and oligosaccharides.
- Promyl L can act at high temperature and at low pH thus offering flexibility in process control.
- Promyl L has high specificity for inner bonds of starch polymer as compared to end sugar unit, thereby making it more effective in hydrolyzing starch.
- Promyl L does not form maltose hence final product is not affected.
- Promyl L is eco friendly and biodegradable and its application reduces chemical consumption.
Prodex- L (Dextran Reducer)
It is a Dextranase Enzyme produced by the controlled fermentation of a Non GMO Fungal Strain. It hydrolyses the alpha glucosidic bond contained in dextran to release either glucose or isomaltose (exodextranases) or isomalto-oligosaccharides (endodextranases).
- Prodex L promotes hydrolysis of Dextran thereby reducing viscosity resulting in improved refined product.
- Prodex L can act upon a sugarcane juice with wide range of sucrose content and pH optimum for use in mixed juice.
- Prodex L has high specificity for inner bonds of Dextran polymer as compared to end sugar unit, thereby making it more effective in cleaving Dextran
- Prodex L is free from invertase activity hence quality of sugarcane juice and final product is not affected.
Process Chemicals:
Phosozine: (Replacement for Phosphoric Acid)
Phosozine is a combination of many polymers mixed together with special additional imported additives. Phosozine removes colouring impurities by ionic and cationic reaction. Phosozine does not contain phosphate so does not increase phosphate. Phosozine does all the functions of a phosphate. The end result with use of Phosozine is the same or better than phosphoric acid. The action of phosphoric acid with colouring impurities results in calcium tri-phosphate whereas the reaction between Phosozine and colouring impurities results in calcium salts.
- Decrease turbidity of clear juice.
- Improve transmittancy & colour of clear juice.
- Decrease Cao content per 100 brix between mixed juice to clear juice.
- Decrease reducing sugar % per 100 brix b/w mixed juice to clear juice.
- Improve conductivity ash per 100 brix b/w mixed juice to clear juice.
- Improve Mud settling.
- Improve colour in terms of ICUMSA.
- A noticeable decrease Lime consumption % age.
Colour Precipitant:
- Reduction or elimination of inorganic primary coagulants.
- Reduction in sludge volume produce in the system.
- Reduction in overall treatment cost.
- Can be used in combination with inorganic coagulant.
- Decrease in pH sensitivity of coagulation/ Flocculation process.
Physical form: Clear viscous colourless Liquid
Solid Contan: 50 %
Molecular wt.: High
Sp. Gravity: 1.14
pH: 6-7
Antiscalant is a liquid product used to inhibit the formation of scale in evaporators of the sugar plant. When used regularly, It can significantly reduce, or even eliminate the need for a thin juice demineralising unit possibly already present.
It is phosphorous-free, low molecular weight co-polymer, which is non-volatile and practically stable to hydrolysis at temperature in the evaporator. It inhabits the scale formation in evaporators due to the presence of hardness components in the sugar juice. The hardness components are generally calcium and magnesium ions in the presence of carbonate, oxalate and sulfate ions. This scaling prevents effective heat transfer in the evaporator stages, leading to increases energy costs. In addition, production losses due to shutdowns of the evaporators for cleaning and scale removal during the sugar campaign must be reckoned with. The mode of action of antiscalant is explained with its ‘ Threshold effect’ i.e. it is employed in strongly substoichiometric amounts calculated on the hardness components.
Appearance : Liquid
Ionic Character : Anionic Polymer
Density : 1.20 G/ml
pH Value : 7
Viscosity : 75 mPa.s
Active Content : 38-42 %
Viscosity Reducer:
Viscosity reducer is nonionic wetting agent specially developed for the improvement of important parameters in pan boiling systems in the sugar industry. Viscosity reducer in aqueous solution is a good dispersing and wetting agent. Wetting remains effective even at high temperature, reducing surface tension and retaining a de-aeration effect.
Appearance : Amber Colored Liquid
Specific Gravity: 1.0 – 1.05
pH: 3.0 to 4.0
Solid Content : 60 %
Mill Sanitation:
QAC (Quaternary Ammonium Compound):
QAC is a broad-spectrum microbicide that is effective for the control of the bacteria and fungi as well as troublesome slime and bad odours originating during the processing of cane sugar juices. The application of QAC as recommended reduces sucrose losses caused by enzymatic inversion, provides control of troublesome bacteria, e.g. Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Bacillus stearothermophilus, and helps to keep mill systems free of microbiological slime and odours. The use of QAC can improve commercial sugar recovery. Improve clarification and pan boiling, and reduce man hours required for cleaning mill systems.
Appearance : Clear yellow to orange liquid
pH : Approx 12
Density: 1.16 to 1.18 g/ml at 25 deg C
Solubility : Miscible in water
Flash Point: More than 100 deg C
Active Content : 50 %
Solid Content : 50 %
Base : Benzilkonium Chloride
DTC (Di-Thio Carbamate)
DTC is a broad-spectrum microbicide that is effective for the control of the bacteria and fungi as well as troublesome slime and bad odours originating during the processing of cane sugar juices. The application of DTC as recommended reduces sucrose losses caused by enzymatic inversion, provides control of troublesome bacteria, e.g. Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Bacillus stearothermophilus, and helps to keep mill systems free of microbiological slime and odours. The use of DTC can improve commercial sugar recovery. Improve clarification and pan boiling, and reduce man hours required for cleaning mill systems.
Appearance: Clear yellow to orange liquid
pH: Approx 12
Density: 1.16 to 1.18 g/ml at 25 deg C
Solubility: Miscible in water
Flash Point: more than 100 deg C
Solid Content: 40%
Base: Sodium Dimethyl Di-thio carbamate